I’ve become obsessed with interiors that use lots of plants. (And from the looks of things, so has Pinterest!). They just have a way of making any space feel bright, lively, and gorgeous. As I search around for some new plants to adorn my home, I’ve found a fewĀ neat ways to decorate withĀ plants so that you can mix up that ol’ flowers-in-a-vase thing and add some new dimension to your home. I’d love to hear how you’ve incorporated plants into your home’s decor. Which plants do you find to be the most hardy? I’m still figuring that one out! š
Click through to view all the photos and find some new ways to add a little somethin’ somethin’ to your home.Ā
Use a cart or bench
So simple! I love how they styled this cart. If you have an extra surface without much goin’ on, try adding tons of plants and making it a beautiful, lively little plant shrine.
Eclectic White Pots
I think using a variety of pots makes any plant area look more interesting. I love how these all match the same color scheme as well! Try mixing up your pots and clumping a bunch of them in the same area.
Geometric Pots
These are super cute! They’d be perfect on a desk or as the centerpiece on a dining table.
MacramƩ Plant Hangers
Adding hanging plants in an interior can make things really pop, since it’s unexpected and adds a new layer to your decor. This dip-dyed version is basically perfect! *heart eyes emoji*
Use fronds or branches
Instead of using an entire plant, why not add a frond or branch here and there? It adds that bit of plant beauty and looks great with bohemian or modern designs.
Long, hanging plants
I LOVE plants that drape down from high shelves. It’s just such an unexpected touch that really makes your rooms memorable.
Quirky, DIY pots
How adorable are these? Even pots with different shapes and colors can look great together. I love that teal smiling one below — so cute!
Create your own plant corner
If you have any areas of your home that are unfilled, then adding different layers of plants can turn it into a whimsical plant sanctuary. I especially love how this one incorporates different levels, withĀ tiny pots on the floor, large potted plants,Ā long draping plants, and a shelf. So gorgeous!
Ol’ Faithful: A big one next to the couch
This one is probably the most standard I’ve seen, but still a lovely option! Get a large plantĀ and prop it next to your sofa or a favorite chair. Instant spice for your living room!