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8 Things You Can Send to Your Newsletter Subscribers | So, you know that having an email list is important...but you have NO clue what to actually send out to your subscribers! I've so been there. Now, with more than 6,000 subscribers and a weekly newsletter, I know what to send and I'm sharing some ideas with you!

Is it just me, or are email lists having a huge moment right now? Yes, newsletters have been around for ages, but it seems that recently, it’s becoming the norm for everyone to have one. And for good reason. If done well, newsletters have the power to grow your income, authority, and community in a way unlike […]

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My name is
Melyssa Griffin

I believe that an unstoppable mindset can be your #1 business tactic. So, my job is to lead you back to yourself and to help you reprogram the limiting beliefs and patterns that are keeping you small. 

Around these parts, I share my best business secrets, as well as help you cultivate a life of true freedom, purpose, and fun. I’m also big on bear hugs, anything unconventional and creative, and teaching people like you how to live an abundant and limitless life. Let’s get weird.


What’s stopping you from making more money, reaching your goals, and bringing your big dreams to life? It’s probably your relationship with money. Answer a few key questions and you’ll get instant access to a customized path to step into more abundance and ease.


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